Romaniacs event regulations

Red Bull Romaniacs hard enduro rallye
July 22-26. 2025 GAME CHANGER Edition 22
Red Bull Romaniacs is the world's longest and toughest hard enduro rallye race, it is authorised in Romania by the Federația Română de Motociclism (FRM).
The event consists of five days of racing, The In-city Romaniacs Prolog and 4 offroad days in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains. Difficult, technically demanding daily stages on hilly landscapes are characteristics of the route and are manageable with hard enduro motorcycles & Adventure rallye class motorcycles with an autonomy of 80 kilometres and electric eMoto bikes with an autonomy of 35 kilometers.
It is stated explicitly, that the selective characteristics of the route and the attainable maximum time for each section and each day are conditioned by the weather, perseverance and driving ability and can lead to a considerable failure ratio.
The route has track markers, race class separation markers, checkpoint flags and Red Bull Offroad start and Red Bull Offroad finish Arches. For safety reasons using a Garmin GPS is mandatory - see section 4:00 GPS for more detailed information.
The next days GPS track image is downloaded onto the competitors GPS by the organisers GPS technical team.
For Prolog qualifications & Finals information read - Romaniacs Prolog Regulations
For the four Offroad days regulations read - Romaniacs Event Regulations
What is Supplied to Competitors ?
The daily event calender is available in the Race Program
Amateur motorcycle competitors compete in one of the 9 race classes
7 internal combustion engine classes Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Atom, Adventure Ultimate or Lite
2 electric eMoto race classes, eMoto Expert or eMoto Hobby
All race classes are competing in the same event alongside the world's top hard enduro competitors.
The event is held in accordance with the sporting code and rules of F.I.M Europe together with the general rules of the Federația Română de Motociclism (The FRM) where applicable.
- All competitors must abide by the Romaniacs event regulations & Romaniacs Prolog regulations and all instructions issued by the event organisers Clerk of the Course.
2:00 Romaniacs results evaluation
ONLINE Results
2.01 Online Results displays
2:02 Timebar times
2.03 Abandoned(AB)
2.04 Liaisons
2:00 Romaniacs results evaluation
The event Qualifications
Read the Romaniacs Prolog regulations for Qualifications & Final races rules regulations & race procedures.
The event Offroad Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 rules and regulations
- The organisers publish the “maximum riding time limit” for the next Offroad day, it includes a mandatory stopping time that will be announced. It may be the standard 20 minutes or can be more at the Service point (SP) it can also include transit time(s) if there is a Liaison(s) after the service point.
The electric eMoto race classes 'eMoto Expert' & 'eMoto Hobby' may be provided with additional charging / battery swapping time at the daily Service points.
Note: Competitors / service suppliers supporters and event participants with an event badge will be informed the afternoon before about the next days service times & track details by email and via the Online event briefings.
- The total time of a Competitor is calculated by adding the actual race riding time on the track plus any given time penalties. (see section 3. Event rules and penalties for more detail)
- The total sum of all ride times 'between race checkpoints' (From the Offroad start to the Offroad finish) is evaluated.
The winner is the competitor who achieves the lowest riding time.
- Competitors MUST present their motorcycle and dis-mount and hand-in their GPS at the GPS flag at the ''Offroad finish checkpoint" OR if they have left the racetrack at the ''Competitor paddock checkpoint".
- If a Competitors riding time means they will not reach the Offroad finish (are now status timebarred), they will be asked to leave the race track at a checkpoint, they will follow the abandon track(AB) on their GPS and any provided 'timebarred' signs to the Offroad finish or Competitor Paddock. The Competitor now has status=AB - ABandoned.
NOTE:- If there are 'special event circumstances', competitors can be requested to follow 'special instructions' given by staff officials at the checkpoint.
- If the Clerk of course decides that a section of the course has become impassable due to weather conditions, queuing or other factors outside his control, or if the estimated "maximum days riding time" is no longer achievable, then the Clerk of the course has the right to remove time taken between checkpoints or finish the race earlier and adjust the results accordingly as needed.
- Our guarantee is that at least 40% of competitors on each Offroad day will be finishers in the results.
- The Clerk of Course has the right to disqualify competitors in case of unfair behaviour, un sporting behaviour or in the case of course fouls.
2.01 Online Results displays
Prolog qualifications | Romaniacs Prolog Finals | Prolog OVERALL
Offroad days
Day during the race progress display - The ranking changes depending on the competitors race performance during the race.
You can view competitors 'during race progress' at every checkpoint a competitor reaches, The displays shows:
Checkpoint arrival times | timebar times | ride times | differential time from the fastest competitor .
OVERALL during the race progress display - includes the current race Day during race progress and any previous OFFICIAL: Offroad days & Romaniacs Prolog OVERALL results
OVERALL by CP during the race progress display - it includes the current Day during race progress & current OVERALL by CP (checkpoints) during race progress and includes the OVERALL: results of any previous OFFICIAL: Offroad days and Prolog OVERALL results. Summary: this provides detailed right NOW overall race progress information
'during race progress' moves to 'OFFICIAL: results' when competitors have completed their race class track and any applicable Prolog added time, race penalties, GPS offtrack penalties & the competitors protest times have expired.
For a more detailed explanation of exactly what is available in the results displays read, view and study section 6. Results detailed explanation
2.02 Timebar times
- Competitors must reach each checkpoint before the 'timebar time' that is displayed for each checkpoint in the Offroad 'Day race progress' webpage.
- If a timebar time becomes coloured RED with a strike through (example <s>14:05:58</s>) then that competitor has arrived too late at that checkpoint and now has a status of AB=Abandoned.
2.03 Abandoned(AB)
Follow the 'Abandoned GPS track'
All competitors who leave the course (have abandoned today's race) MUST go to either the 'Offroad finish checkpoint' OR the 'Competitors Paddock checkpoint', hand-in their rescue map, dismount and hand-in their GPS and get their transponder scanned.
We then know these ''Abandoned Competitors'' are off the mountains, are safe and we do not need to search for them.
Note: Competitors MUST carry with them tools needed to dismount their own GPS.
In the case of abandoning the racetrack at a Checkpoint OR between checkpoints or anywhere on the track ! It is important that a Competitor phones Medical Rescue 1 0040 731 270 884 or Medical Rescue 2 0040 751 869 322 to let them know they are safe and well and have left the racetrack.
- A competitors' failure to respect the obligation to inform the organisers in the case of retiring from the race, where search operations need to be carried out, will result in the competitor being liable for the financial costs of essential search operations.
- A competitors' failure to hand in their GPS & rescue map at the Offroad Finish or competitor Paddock Finish will result in a first time warning which will be displayed in results, if it happens again then they will become disqualified(DSQ) from competing.
- Disqualified or abandoned competitors are only allowed to continue on the racetrack with the express permission of the Clerk of Course.
2.04 Liaison
- When driving in a Liaison competitors are NOT racing. It is the competitor’s responsibility to drive with due care and attention, all traffic laws apply and road legal conditions apply whether competitors are on a road, forest road or any track used by other members of the public.
- Competitors Liaison Point in time(LPin) is taken, then their Liaison Point out clock time(LPout) is written on a sticker and applied to their helmet. Plenty of riding time is provided to allow competitors to travel from the LPin to the LPout. Some ''Waiting time'' at the LPout is always included. It is the competitors' responsibility to present themselves to the Liaison Point(LPout) at their given starting time.
- During a Liaison competitors are NOT racing, so there is no need to speed and there are no benefits for doing so.
- Speeding competitors may be stopped - financially fined by police, given a driving licence suspension and be event time penalised for speeding.
- The GPS recorded track of the competitor will be taken into consideration in the resolution of a protest or for judging cases of penalty or disqualification. (Read Section 3.11 Speeding over limit - time penalties)
3.00 Race number (Bib number)
3.01 Motorcycles with Internal combustion engines
3.02 Lights
3.03 Repairing and changing of parts | Repair | Service
3.04 Tyres
3.05 Fuel supply
3.06A Technical inspections Silver, Bronze, Iron, Atom, Adventure Ultimate & Lite, eMoto Expert & Hobby
3.06B Technical inspections Gold class competitors
3.07 Before each Offroad day
3.08 Assisting competitors on the track
3.09 GPS Rules
3.10 Checkpoint Rules
3.11 Speeding over limit - Speeding time penalties
3.12 At the Offroad Finish
3.13 Closing the race track
3.14 Miscellaneous Rules
3.00 Race number (Bib number)
- Competitors race number stickers will be issued at the Sibiu Inscription, the transponders for race timing & Red Bull Romaniacs graphics are added to these stickers.
- The competitors race number issued by the organisers MUST be clearly and visibly positioned on the front above the headlamp, and on the right and left side panels.
- Riding with unreadable competitor numbers at the Romaniacs Prolog or Offroad days is NOT permitted.
Advisory - Metallic layered motorcycle graphics must NOT be used, as it can affect the timing transponders. Competitors must remove them.
- OLD race stickers / OLD race numbers, partial race numbers and OLD transponder timing stickers on motorbikes, helmets, backpacks from other events MUST be removed.
- If other event race numbers are still visible this will result in a 10 minute time penalty being added to the results for every event day they are visible.- Only the racing numbers issued by Red Bull Romaniacs may be visible.
- Competitors must wear the provided canvas 'Competitor name and race number' on the rear of race shirt or rucksack at the Romaniacs Prolog and every day during the race.
- It is the competitor's responsibility to ask the organisers for a replacement sticker or any other mandatory sticker handed out by the organiser, if they are no longer readable.
3.01 Motorcycles with Internal combustion engines
It is the sole responsibility of competitors in race classes Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Atom, Adventure Ultimate, Adventure Lite to have a valid motorcycle driving licence and applicable third party insurance for the road registered motorcycle they will drive on public roads.
- Motorcycles must be in a technical correct condition. They must not exceed noise emission of 115 dB/A. (before race 114 dB/A)
- Enduro, Adventure, Trail and Motocross style motorcycles are only allowed to compete if they have vehicle registration papers and are fully road legal and fitted with working lights front and rear.
- It is the competitor's responsibility for his motorcycle to be in a street legal and street legally insured condition.
Advisory notice: Competitors driving motorcycles with internal combustion engines should carry a COPY of the road vehicle Registration document and valid insurance with them when riding anywhere, before, during and after the event. It is solely the competitors' responsibility to ensure that motorcycle rental companies provide this.
The vehicle registration number should always be visible on the motorcycle.
Advisory:Stickers with the vehicle registration number should be displayed both on the top of the rear mudguard and also just below the rear brake light.
If a competitor is 'time delayed' by police because they are unable to produce a photocopy of the motorcycle vehicle or insurance documents or have no vehicle registration number fitted to the motorcycle OR the 'Romanian compulsory' working rear light and rear brake light or the headlamp is defect, the responsibility belongs to the competitor, no event time back will be given back.
3.02 Lights
- An all day functioning headlamp and rear light is necessary for safety and Romanian road vehicle legal reasons during the race.
Competitor(s) driving without functional lights, in fog or early in the morning or during nightfall (in darkness) may be disqualified.(DSQ)
3.03 Repairing and changing of parts | Repair | Service
- There are no restrictions on the changing of any mechanical parts during the event this can be done anywhere, anytime.
- Repairing a vehicle beside the race track is permitted as long as other competitor(s) are not being obstructed.
- Competitor paddock and the daily service points are reachable by service vehicles.
- The frame of motorcycles (VIN number) may NOT be changed at any time during the Red Bull Romaniacs hard enduro rallye the vehicle Registration and motorcycle insurance documents cannot change from those that have been submitted to the Federația Română de Motociclism (FRM) during the inscription.
3.04 Tyres
- Tyres must be road legal. Note: Motocross tyres are not road legal, so are NOT allowed.
Offroad day 2 & Offroad day 3
Due to the Marathon stage tyres will be permitted to be changed at the day 2 & day 3 Service points, additional time will be provided.
Offroad day 1 and Offroad day 4
- It is NOT permitted to fit NEW tyres or 'another set of wheels with NEW tyres' anywhere on the race track between the 'Offroad Start' & 'Offroad Finish' or at the daily service points.
- Tyres are not allowed to be replaced or changed anywhere, anytime between the Offroad start and Offroad finish.
- Tyres that are fitted at the Offroad start MUST STAY on the motorcycle until reaching the Offroad finish.
If a tyre has become damaged beyond safe use, (is DANGEROUS to drive with, the bead is broken) then the Clerk of Course MUST be informed as soon as possible about when and where a tyre change was made. Proof of damage is required, photos and the damaged tyre MUST be retained in case of a ONLINE Results protest(s) from (an)other competitors. If the Clerk of Course was not informed about a tyre change BEFORE an registered online results protest arrives. Then that protest will be automatically successful and the tyre changing competitor can get large race time penalties or face possible event disqualification(DSQ).
Advisory: - Our official tyre partners are Plews tyres and X-Grip
Order online Plews tyres and mousses or X-Grip tyres and mouses and products online
They can provide at the event suitable road legal enduro racing tyres.
Their Tyre & mousse changing servicing is available at the 'Aria Competitor paddock' and on Offroad day 2 & 3 at the Service point. This service is available to ALL competitors.
3.05 Fuel supply
- Fuel is supplied at the official Tank Point stops along the course
Competitors :-
- refuelling is allowed ONLY when the ENGINE IS OFF
- motorcycles must be refuelled on the environmental mats
- Competitors are NOT allowed to sit on the motorbike during refuelling.
Failure to follow these rules = 10 minute race time penalty
- No smoking allowed anywhere near the TankPoint areas.
- Drinking water is available for competitors at the motorcycle TankPoints.
- Details of refuelling stops are emailed to competitors the afternoon/evening before the next days race and any late important information is provided during the daily Romaniacs event briefings presented by the Race organiser & Track Director.
- Refuelling is permitted at the Competitor paddock and Service Points ONLY if a "environmental mat" is under the motorcycle.
- NOTE: DSQ or AB-Abandoned competitors who continue to race on the track WILL BE REFUSED fuel at the next tankpoint, competitors MUST leave the track when instructed. Refusal to leave the track can lead to event disqualification(DSQ).
3.06A Technical inspections Silver, Bronze, Iron, Atom, Adventure Ultimate, Adventure Lite race classes
Tuesday July 23 - 07:00 onwards have technical checks at the Romaniacs Prolog qualification line up parking area on Bulevardul Corneliu Coposu (The qualification's motorcycle line up parking area is behind the Red Bull starting arch)
3.06B Technical inspections - Gold class
9:00-10:00 Monday July 22 - Location is beside Romaniacs event hotel car park entrance
3.07 Before each Offroad day
- Competitors are provided with the travel time that is needed to get from the Competitor paddock to the Offroad start, The Offroad start times, and the starting procedures.
- About the race track details are sent by email the afternoon before each race day to competitors, supporters and service suppliers.
ALL the latest track news and ''important LAST minute updates'' are presented at the evening 'ONLINE event briefings'.
- It is the competitors responsibility to present themselves at the Red Bull Offroad Start Arch at their 'given start time'. Competitors are scanned and 'held in position at the start line' until their exact racing starting time.
- A competitor presenting themselves 60 minutes or later at the Competitor paddock start or the Offroad start, means they now have status abandoned(AB) for this race day. If a competitor has now reached 2 x abandoned(AB) they are race disqualified(DSQ)
- If a competitor is late 'less than' 60 minutes at the start, the GIVEN start time is used, NOT the competitors later (leaving) start time.
3.08 Assisting competitors on the track
- A 15 minute time penalty will be applied to any competitor being physically assisted to aid their track progress by assistants, service crews, supporters, family, friends, fans or Media on ANY part of the race track. It is the Competitors responsibility to STOP people from assisting!
Competitors may be assisted ONLY by ''OFFICIAL Romaniacs track staff'' who will be available to advice competitors at the toughest and most difficult sections.
- Competitors can assist each other - ONLY when by doing so it keeps the race track from being blocked.
- Competitors making 'race time advantages' by repetitively assisting each other during the event will receive large time penalties.
Assisting Romaniacs staff have 2024 CIA badges
CIA badges - Track managers, Start line, CheckPoints, TankPoints, ServicePoints, Offroad Finish - Romaniacs official staff have them!
If someone is giving competitors strange instructions or directing them off the GPS track and a competitor is not SURE WHY?, ask the person to show them their Romaniacs CIA badge. No Romaniacs CIA badge = DO not accept their help or advice! Do NOT follow their instructions. Continue to follow the GPS Track you have been given.
3.09 GPS Rules
Poor recording of GPS track : 10 minutes penalty OR a calculated penalty time after the Clerk of Course timing team analysis.
- No track recorded : 30 minutes penalty or a calculated penalty time after the Clerk of Course timing team analysis
- Repeat offenders = disqualification(DSQ) from the event.
- Riding off the track, taking short cuts, being more than 100 meters either side of the GPS track, the competitor will get a calculated penalty time provided through the Clerk of Course timing team analysis.
- If a competitor gets lost (leaves their race track) they must re-enter the track (cautiously at walking pace) using the same GPS route to avoid receiving time penalties.
- If a competitor gives their GPS(s) to another competitor this must be communicated to GPS manager Andrei Dragan Radulet +40 741 617924 failure to do this will lead to a 15 minute penalty to the competitor receiving the GPS. .
- A competitors failure to hand in their GPS at the 'GPS flag' at the 'Offroad finish' at or at the 'Competitor paddock checkpoint' will result in ''additional no track penalties'' and NO GPS track for following Offroad day.
3.10 Checkpoint Rules
CheckPoints(CP) are timing points (competitors passage time is recorded). They are clearly indicated on the track by yellow and white flags. Overtaking within the checkpoints flags is not allowed
- Competitors must STOP at all checkpoints(CP), have their arrival time scanned by checkpoint staff, then depart the checkpoints.
- A competitors failure to reach a checkpoint or NOT stopping at checkpoint equals an abandonment of the days race(AB status) and leads to substantial time penalties. Failure to reach a checkpoint or NOT stopping at a checkpoint on 2 offroad days = 2xAB= -disqualificationDSQ.
- Not reaching a checkpoint before a competitors TIME BAR time equals status abandoned(AB) for that days race, the competitor must leave the race track. Failure to leave race track using the provided Abandoned track equals event disqualification.
GPS abandon track
- The competitor MUST dis-mount and hand-in their GPS either at the GPS flag at ''Offroad finish checkpoint" or if they left the track must hand-in their GPS at the ''Competitor paddock checkpoint" as soon as possible. NO DELAYS must take place in handing in the GPS device..
- If a competitor leaves the "race track’’ at a checkpoint before the Offroad finish they must follow the 'GPS Abandon track' or follow instructions provided. Phone Medical Rescue 1 0040 731 270 884 or Medical Rescue 2 0040 751 869 322 to advise them you have left the race track.
- For missing or not reaching a checkpoint an inflated "missed track" penalty time will be given. A competitors actual riding time between missed checkpoints will be removed.
- Loss of timekeeping chip= 15 min penalty
- Drinking water is provided at the re-fuelling tankpoints and NOT supplied at Checkpoints.
- If you see this sign at a checkpoint “Track closed” Call Rescue 1 0040 731 270 884 Rescue 2 0040 751 869 322
3.11 Speeding over limit - Speeding time penalties.
Speed limit zone starts - GPS track changes to a thin BLUE line
Speed limit zone ends - GPS track wide RED line returns
Near villages and houses you MUST keep your speeds low. In Romania many children play on the street and are attracted by the motorcycles. If caught speeding by police and detained/delayed your race time will NOT be given back. If caught speeding by Romaniacs organisers, speeding time penalties will be added to you race time.
Warning: Speeding time penalties WILL be applied at each speed check location = A competitor can therefore receive more than 1 speeding time penalty per day.
- There are speed signs in competitors GPS tracks.
20 means drive less than 20 km per hour
25 means drive less than 25 km per hour
30 means drive less than 30 km per hour
50 means drive less than 50 km per hour
If a competitor drives greater than 10 Kilometres(km) per hour over the speed limit they will be given a speeding time penalty which is added to their race''ride time''
> 10 km per hour over the speed limit = 5 minute speeding time penalty
Warning speed signs !
RED banner sign = START of speed limit zone
GREY + //// = END of speed limit zone
A short explanation video - How to display your SPEED on your GPS
Note:- It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure they can view the travelling speed of their motorcycle
3.12 At the Offroad Finish
- Not reaching the Offroad finish means a competitor has abandoned. (Has status AB)
- Not reaching the Offroad finish within the days maximum riding time means a competitor has abandoned. (Has status AB)
- Abandoning on two days means competitor disqualification. (Has status 2xAB=DSQ)
- The GPS should be dismounted by the competitor and handed-in at the GPS FLAG. Competitors must carry tools needed to dismount their GPS.
- A competitors failure to hand in their GPS = huge time penalties in results.
Competitors may ride next day on the race track after disqualification ONLY on the special discretion of the race organisers Clerk of the course. These competitors will no longer be included in any official results.
3.13 Closing the race track
- As it is impossible to guarantee that the sweeper will pass by the exact spot where a motorcycle has broken down, it is the competitor's responsibility to provide the GPS coordinates of where he is to Motorcycle/eMoto breakdown 0040 731 270 881 , our breakdown assistance. We will assist competitors with what they can do to repair their motorcycle/eMoto to be able to continue or will assist them with information how to get off the mountains/tracks to a road safely, we are NOT providing a ''motorcycle/eMoto recovery service'' from the track back to Sibiu. If there is no phone signal at this location. Competitors should write down their race number, their GPS location on the provided ''Injured competitor - medical assistance form' AND write a request for 'motorcycle/eMoto and competitor breakdown assistance' then STOP a passing competitor and them to take the form and phone-in the details to Motorcycle/eMoto breakdown 0040 731 270 881 where there is a phone signal.
- The organisers motorcycle 'sweepers' close the enduro rallye race track.
- If a sweeper finds a 'broken down motorcycle/eMoto and competitor' he will instruct the competitor what to do, and provide help whenever possible.
- Competitors who abandon their motorcycle/eMoto before the passage of the sweeper, do so entirely at their own responsibility. The organisers can in no way be held responsible in case of damage or theft. Competitors who don’t follow the sweeper’s instructions, do so entirely at their own responsibility. However, the competitor may be held responsible for search and rescue costs, resulting from their decision of not obeying the sweeper’s instructions. Retrieval of a competitors machine left on the track cannot be guaranteed by the organiser, however, help will be provided whenever possible.
3.14 Miscellaneous Rules
- Competitors racing against the race direction = disqualification
- Competitors not racing on the track in the competition class they entered will lead to becoming abandoned (AB) on that race day or event disqualified (DSQ).
Riding on banner/marked Red Bull Romaniacs tracks before the event is not permitted:
- Participants will be disqualified from competing in Red Bull Romaniacs.
- Participants entry fee will not be returned.
Competitors found using an 'Onboard personal camera' without permission will be disqualified from the race immediately.
GPS Devices
4.00 GPS
4.01 Romaniacs GPS racetracks – How are they named?
4.02 Recording
4.03 Which Garmin GPS device?
4.04 Navigation
4.00 GPS
- Competitors hand-in their GPS(s) at the event Inscription at the Romaniacs race hotel and do not receive it back until Offroad Day 1 morning.
Each Offroad day the GPS is handed-out in the morning and then handed-in at the afternoon Offroad finish
OR if a competitor has abandoned the race track and is not passing the Offroad Finish, then competitors MUST Hand-in the GPS at the 'Competitor paddock Check Point'
- If a competitors GPS has a built-in battery they need to also hand-in the charger suitable for 220V with EU Plug.
- The GPS team will install NEW batteries daily for competitors with GPS using AA or AAA disposable batteries.
- The GPS must be able to connect via a USB port to a computer and have the folder 'GARMIN' and support installation of MAPS.
- Competitors will receive their GPS loaded with the Racetrack map and abandon track. (GPS time is set to Helsinki).
Advisory notice :- The GPS team delete ALL data from competitors handed-in GPS (including old GPS recordings and maps) therefore competitors be sure to make a backup before you hand-in your GPS at inscription and remove any installed SD cards and AA or AAA rechargeable batteries.
- A good GPS mounting is essential - be sure to buy one in advance as you cannot easily find one in Sibiu/Romania before the event. Take care in mounting the GPS, reducing vibration or GPS device movement during racing can prevent the GPS getting damaged and suffering from poor or irregular recordings which attract time penalties.
Watch the GPS /Good to know/ FAQ videos to learn more about the use of GPS devices at Romaniacs.
A GPS rental service may be available, please contact Andrei Dragan Radulet
4.01 Romaniacs GPS racetracks – How are they named?
Race classes:
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Atom, Adventure Ultimate, Adventure Lite, eMoto Expert, eMoto Hobby
GPS devices have the racetrack uploaded as a custom map - this hides all other maps on the device and can not be deactivated easily by mistake. Just turn on the GPS and go to the map screen. The racetrack looks like a road.
Example: map name = 25day3B This is romaniacs event year '25', Offroad 'day 3', 'B'ronze Class,
Year, day1, G, S, B, I, A, U, L, E, H
Year, day2, G, S, B, I, A, U, L, E, H
Year, day3, G, S, B, I, A, U, L, E, H
Year, day4, G, S, B, I, A, U, L, E, H
4.02 Recording
Why does GPS need to be set to record?
- Competitors will get large time penalties for not having a recording.
- Learn how to activate the "Track recording/Track log/TrackBack" in the GPS before arriving in Sibiu. It is the competitor's responsibility to make sure that their GPS records during the race. Check the manual of the GPS to understand this setting.
IMPORTANT: In order to be sure that you have the right racetrack, check when you pick up your GPS in the morning that you have the right 'custom map name'. The GPS team can correct any errors fast on the spot. For any problems regarding GPS before or during the race, call +40 741 617924 (Andrei Dragan Radulet).
Competitors MUST carry tools needed to mount or dismount their GPS
After competitors dismount their GPS and hand it/them in at the GPS flag at the 'Offroad finish'.
Our Red Bull Romaniacs GPS team download the recorded track.
If competitors due to mechanical, injuries or any other reason abandon the race day they must hand-in their GPS at either the "GPS flag" at the Offroad finish if passing it, or at the ''Competitor paddock checkpoint''.
All GPS tracks are downloaded and checked.
Note: a competitor's failure to hand-in their GPS('s) or failure to provide a ''complete recorded track'' will attract large time penalties!
For any problems regarding GPS devices before, during, or just after the race. You have broken your GPS? Your GPS is failing. Call Andrei Dragan Radulet +40 741 617924 NOTE: This service is not available during event between the hours of 21:00-05:00.
4.03 Which Garmin GPS device?
To find out which Garmin GPS devices are allowed please view below list. New suitable models are added each year and some older models are removed. If the Garmin GPS you wish to use is not on the list, please email Andrei Dragan Radulet to check if we can accept this Garmin GPS.
Alpha series: 100
Colorado Series: 300, 400c, 400i, 400t
Dakota Series: 10, 20
Edge Series:: All Edge series have been found to have compatibility issues with our analysis software.
eTrex Series:
Touch 25, 35
20, 20x, 22x, 30, 30x, 32x, 35t
GPS Map Series:
62, 62 S, 62 SC, 62 ST, 62 STC,
64, 64 S, 64ST
65 multibad
66i, 66r, 66 S
76 C, 76 CS, 76 CSX, 76 CX
78, 78 S, 78 SC
Montana Series: 600, 610, 630, 650, 650 T, 680, 680 T, 700i, 750i
Monterra Series: 010-01065-00, 010-01065-03
Nüvi Series: 500, 550
Oregon Series:
200, 300, 400 C, 400 i, 400 T, 450, 450 T
550, 550 T, 600, 600 T, 650, 650 T, 700, 750
Rino Series: 610, 650, 655 T
Zumo Series: 220, 340LM, 396, 550, 590LM, 660, 665, XT
Note: Your GPS must be able to connect via a USB port to a computer and have a folder called 'Garmin' and support 'Maps'.
Advisory Notice: The Garmin GPS models listed below have been found to have software incompatible issues with our analysis software, so have been removed from acceptable list, e Trek 10 | Foretrex 301/4011 |
Edge Series: 520, 530, 800, 820, 830, 1030, 1030 plus, 1040
4.04 Navigation
- Each competitor will receive their class GPS track map for each Offroad day as well as important coordinates uploaded.
- Each competitor must have at least ONE functioning GPS at all times, set on record.
- The use of 2 or more GPS’s per competitor is permitted, all must be set on record . An additional charge of €35 per additional GPS will be made for uploading, downloading tracks and providing batteries.
- The track has Blue=right way/Yellow=wrong way 'route banners', class separation markers at intersections, checkpoint flags and Red Bull start and offroad finish Arches.
Class separation markers at intersections.
- Because of the exposed routing, competitors must treat contacts with other competitors (overtaking), carefully and respectfully.
- Take care - expect to meet on the GPS track, cars, tractors, trucks, animals, woodworkers, all kinds of obstacles can suddenly appear without warning.
Use bridges provided, some specially constructed, so we do not make the water muddy.
5.00 Rescue contact numbers
5:01 Safety equipment
5.02 Motorcycle/eMoto assistance
5.00 Rescue contact numbers
Competitors MUST add the below phone numbers to the mobile phone they will use during the event at Red Bull Romaniacs These NAMES and phone numbers MUST be already be pre-installed on competitors race phones BEFORE arriving at Inscription in Sibiu.
Competitors MUST carry a working mobile phone during racing.
Medical Rescue 1 0040 731 270 884
Medical Rescue 2 0040 751 869 322
Motorcycle/eMoto breakdown 0040 731 270 881- motorcycle/eMoto not able to continue, competitor needs assistance
5:01 Safety equipment
We will take you into the wilderness where bears and wolves live and into high altitudes in the mountains where the local weather can at times be extreme. For YOUR safety we WILL check if you are carrying YOUR safety survival equipment. For missing equipment we will penalise you with a 30 minute ride time penalty.
In Backpack/ bum bag you must carry:-
- 1 GPS per competitor, 1 set of spare batteries 'AA or AAA' for GPS (unless has permanent re-charge battery)
- 1 GSM mobile phone in waterproof packaging (able to phone out and receive calls)
- 1 lighter
- 1 Litre of water (minimum)
- 1 foil survival blanket
- 1 wind and waterproof jacket
- 1 pencil + 'Injured competitor - medical assistance form' (both provided to the competitors at event Inscription in Sibiu)
- Motorcycles - 1 spare spark plug
- 1 tool set for motorcycle/eMoto repairing
- 1 motorcycle/eMoto tube or repairing set, if no mousse or tubliss system is fitted
- 250 Lei Local Romanian currency
Helmet and goggles to be worn when racing. Stay protected !
- A competitor's failure to produce working navigation, phone or safety equipment at any time when requested by event officials during the event, will result in time penalties or disqualification from the competition. During the race, controls can be made at the Offroad start, Service Points, Offroad finish or at any CheckPoint or TankPoint to ensure that competitors during are carrying the safety survival equipment. A 30-minute time penalty WILL be added to a competitor's result if they fail to carry all the essential safety equipment.
Competitors MUST complete ALL online registration questions and race with a ''working in Romania" mobile phone which uses the number that they have entered into their registration 'competitor account'. The phone number can be added and amended by competitors in their registration 'competitor account' anytime before Inscription in Sibiu closes. A competitors 'registration account number' can be found in registration emails sent by Cristina Badiu
A helicopter, off-road vehicles, off-road motorcycles with emergency medical aid teams, as well as ambulances offers their services to each competitor during the whole event.
- Competitors agree to be medically assisted by Romaniacs authorised medical teams and to abide by any advisory information that is provided.
- At previous editions the rescue teams arrived in about 25 minutes at the accident site, but due to different terrain and weather conditions, a maximum intervention time of 2 hours 30 minutes can be guaranteed.
- In the event of a medical evacuation the helicopter rescue cost will have to be covered by competitors. The cost of helicopter flying time is 1600 euro per hour.
- We ask competitors to obtain insurance cover for Medivac flight transportation back to their own country. This insurance cover can often be provided by the Motorcycle governing body (federation) of the country competitors come from.
- For information about assisting injured competitors Read section 8. Medical Injury time back claims.
- Switch off all battery consuming apps and ''Social media apps'' to preserve your mobile phone battery charge.
- Carry a phone 'external battery pack' or have a 'cable connection to battery (USB)' fitted to ensure you are able to stay in contact with your service crew team if a time-consuming motorcycle breakdown assistance or contact with the HQ medical rescue team is required. Ensure phone is fully charged every morning.
- Always carry at least 250 Lei of local Romanian currency. If you leave the track during the event(ABandon racing), you may need to stop for fuel and some food and drink.
- If you have an Allergy - A 'medicine' warning bracelet or 'dog tags' that describe the condition must be worn.
5.02 Motorcycle/eMoto assistance
Motorcycle/eMoto breakdown 0040 731 270 881- motorcycle/eMoto not able to continue, competitor needs assistance
Note: It is the responsibility of competitors to provide help to enable their motorcycle/eMoto and themselves can be recovered from any Offroad location where a motorcycle/eMoto breakdown may occur. Recovery can be performed with the ''organising assistance'' of our motorcycle/eMoto breakdown assistance contact. This is to ensure 'recovery vehicles' or 'assisting helpers' are not travelling on or against the racetrack.
Note: If a competitor leaves the racetrack for ANY reason they MUST and as soon as possible contact the race HQ using the medical or breakdown phone numbers supplied. When returning homewards competitors, MUST stop and present themselves either at the 'Offroad finish checkpoint' OR go directly to the 'Competitor paddock checkpoint' and hand-in their GPS.
IMPORTANT we know where competitors are, then sweepers teams, track staff, medical teams, do not waste time and energy searching.
Day results
Start - The Offroad start time. This is the ''given time'' to Competitors, it is their responsibility to present themselves at the Red Bull Arch starting line.
CP - displays Competitor arrival time at each CheckPoint.
Timebar time - Competitors much reach each checkpoint before the displayed time. If the timebar time is RED Example <s>12:05:58</s> then the Competitor has arrived too late, they are now status AB = Abandoned and must leave the racetrack and follow the 'GPS Abandon track' and timebarred signs and go directly to the Offroad finish or Competitor paddock.
Ride time - Competitors track riding time between checkpoints.
Difference - The difference in ride time between Competitors. +0s (= zero seconds) is the fastest Competitor between checkpoints. Example = If the time shown against another Competitor is +2m30s this means that Competitor was +2 minutes 30 seconds slower than the fastest Competitor.
Rank - the fastest Competitor BETWEEN checkpoints.
If checkpoint(s) are missing = the race class does not enter that checkpoint (Example=CP4)
CP SPin - arrival time at the CheckPoint Service Point in
SPout - departure time from the Service Point out - Competitors cannot leave the Service Point out BEFORE their given time.
The CP SPin time is taken, then their SPout (departure time) is written on a sticker and applied to their motorcycle helmet.
Competitors can stay longer if they wish to rest or repair motorcycles, but this time is adding to their overall race time.
If there is a ''between checkpoints'' Liaison
CP LPin - arrival time at the CheckPoint Liaison Point in
LP out - departure time at the Liaison Point out - Competitors are not allowed to leave the Liaison Point out BEFORE their given time.
The CP LPin time is taken, then the LP out (departure time) is written on a sticker and applied to their motorcycle helmet.
Warning: When driving in a Liaison Competitors are NOT racing, so there is no need to speed and no benefits for doing so. It is the Competitors responsibility to drive with due care and attention, all traffic laws apply and road legal conditions apply whether Competitors are on a road, forest road or any track used by other members of the public.
Speeding Competitors may be stopped - financially fined by police, given a driving licence suspension and be 'event time penalised' for speeding.
Overall results
Total time - time taken each day is displayed 'TTQ/Prolog', Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and the ''Overall event total=('TTQ/Prolog'+D1+D2+D3+D4)
Difference +0s (zero seconds) is the fastest Competitor. Example= on day +2m43s this means the Differential time is +2 minutes 43 seconds slower than the fastest Competitor.
Overall-by CP
LIVE - Overall race progress.
This example is Offroad day 4
Note: If CheckPoint(s) are missing (example CP3), this race class does go into that CheckPoint.
Code explanations
Day3 Finish = Overall results('TTQ/Prolog'+Day1+Day2+Day3)
10 = Overall event Ranking
17h10m18s = Overall Total race time
+2h8m17s = Overall Time ''difference from rank 1 competitor'
OVERALL race progress (the area shaded in grey) during offroad day 4
Rank - displays Overall event rank at each CheckPoint.(CP)
Total time - At each Offroad day 4 CheckPoint. The ''Total time for day 3+the between checkpoints ride times" are added together providing a continuous total 'event ride time'. BUT: -
- IF a Competitor receives a 'time penalty' or 'time bonus' then the "Total race time'' will be shown in the column ''TOTAL'' and a text explanation of the penalty or bonus time applied will be viewable.
Difference - shows 'OVERALL time difference" from the competitor ranked 1.
Offroad Day 4
Time - Start time, CP arrival times and SPout or LPout departure times.
Timebar - Competitors must reach the CheckPoint before the displayed time.
IF a timebar time is displaying RED and has a strike through line <s>12:05:58</s> then the competitor has arrived after the timebar time and now has status AB-(abandoned).
Ride time - The actual riding time between CheckPoints.
Difference - shows 'Offroad day 4' ride time difference. +0s (zero seconds) is the fastest between CheckPoints. If +2m30s this means was +2 minutes 30 seconds slower than fastest.
Rank for Offroad day 4 - the fastest Competitor BETWEEN each CheckPoint
SP - Service Point
SPin - arrival time at the Service Point in
SPout - Service Point out departure time
LP - Liaison Point (between checkpoints)
LPin - arrival time at the Liaison Point in
LPout - Liaison Point out departure time
Start / CP
Start / CP is used ONLY when a race class does not start the RACE at the normal 'offroad start' location, first there is a "Transit track" to ride.
The race class departs the normal 'offroad start'' location at a given 'Transit track' start time. The Competitors are provided with the GPS track and are given a relaxed 'riding time' to arrive early at the location where their race start is.
An example
An Atom class Competitor is provided with a 26 minute 'transit track'' to get to their RACING start at CP3
Transit start at: 08:10 (starting from the normal offroad start). A 26 minutes transit riding time has been provided, the Competitor follows the transit track on their GPS to the Atom class 'race start location' at CheckPoint 3.
Start / CP3 : 08:36 The Atom Competitor departs at 08:36. The RACING has begun.
7.00 Agreeable ONLINE results protests, Complaints, Objections
7.01 Official results written protests for Competitors
7.00 Agreeable ONLINE results protests, Complaints, Objections
NOTE: Results investigations are time limited. A competitors 'Results published time'' is displayed in his Day results, after 60 minutes have passed no protest(s) will be accepted. Therefore, Competitors MUST view their Day results ONLINE on their mobile phones as soon as possible after arriving at the 'Offroad finish'.
WARNING: The results teams has a limited amount of time to investigate claims BEFORE the results go OFFICIAL:
Verbal protest(s), phone call(s), third party complainers, telling a staff member, telling a FRM official, messages sent by WhatsApp, messenger, Facebook or via email are NOT accepted NOR are they considered as an official or valid protest.
We will investigate completed ONLINE results protests claims, they are examined by the timing team to check if we agree or disagree with a competitors protest, the results of all investigations are actioned by the Clerk of Course.
If the Clerk of Course agrees competitor(s) results will be amended.
The competitor will be informed by email and or telephone of the result of a ONLINE results protest investigation.
If the Clerk of the Course disagrees with a submitted ONLINE Results protests claim and a competitor still wishes to further protest then they MUST provide an 'official results written protest'
7.01 Official results written protest for competitors
If an agreeable ONLINE result protest has been made and the resolution is still not satisfactory to a competitor, they can on submission of a cash protest payment of 150 Euro accompanied with a written and signed 'official protest letter' request the event organisers 'Clerk of the course' to assemble a Jury and request that Jury to adjudicate on the protest.
The arbitrator is the Clerk of Course, the Race jury is formed with a representative of the Federația Română de Motociclism (FRM) and the event Timekeeper. If the protest is upheld then the protest cash payment will be immediately returned.
FMNR - Federația Română de Motociclism is Nicoleta Olariu
Romaniacs timekeeper is Douglas R Maclean
Romaniacs Clerk of Course is Teo Isac
In the case of a medically injured competitor, the first competitor who finds an injured competitor 'MUST' HELP.
An injured competitor should never be left alone!!
Inform Medical Rescue 1 0040 731 270 884 or Medical Rescue 2 0040 751 869 322
If it is not possible to contact the Rescue team due to no phone signal, then the provided at the Sibiu event inscription A4 paper 'Injured competitor - medical assistance form' with all details filled in should be handed to another competitor.
STOP a competitor and ask them to phone the Romaniacs medical rescue team as soon as phone coverage becomes available and provide the details on the form. In general there is GSM signal on most of the peaks and ridges but in some valleys there is no phone coverage.
Remember:- it will always be worth helping!
Note: Competitors who assist a medically injured competitor can be given a ''calculated riding'' time so that their results are not affected by the time taken providing assistance until the Romaniacs medical rescue team arrives. The decision on what time to provide back to a competitor(s) who has assisted a medically injured competitor is investigated before any time back is provided, Injured competitors, assisting competitors, Romaniacs medical teams GPS data and other provided information is used.
A competitors 'Results published time'' is displayed in his Day results, AFTER 60 minutes have passed no medical Injury assist time back time back claims will be accepted.
The online Injury assist time back request forms can be completed ANYWHERE using a mobile phone, where a competitor is injured?, at the service points?, at the offroad finish? at the Competitor Paddock?.
9.00 Competitor obligations
The obligation to inform, in the case of abandonment, the rescue team Rescue 1 0040 731 270 884 Rescue 2 0040 751 869 322 is the sole responsibility of the competitor. A third party or person cannot be held responsible. The obligation to return to the organisers all material or equipment temporarily issued to competitors during the event.
In the case where a competitors motorcycle/eMoto cannot continue on the racetrack, competitors MUST make a phone call to the breakdown team 0040 731 270 881 - Motorcycle/eMoto breakdown assistance to request help to get the motorcycle/eMoto and competitor off the track to the nearest road, so they can be picked up by either their service crew/motorcycle/eMoto rental company or family and friends. Any vehicle repatriation is at the cost of competitors.
The obligation to pay all expenses not directly payable to the organisers, as stated in these regulations (e.g.: accommodation, return travel other than that planned, miscellaneous expenses etc.).
The obligation to respect the safety regulations during the race.
9.01 ALL Participants
Participants are Competitors, Competitor Assistants, Service suppliers/service crew, Competitor supporters, Media personal, Organisers staff and volunteers.
- Exclusively all participants take part in the event on their own responsibility. They carry the exclusive civil and penal responsibility for all or any damages caused by their motor vehicles / motorcycle/emoto or actions. Every participant's guarantee that he and his vehicles used are covered by liability insurance. If the participant is not the owner of the vehicle or motorcycle/eMoto which he drives, he sets everyone, who is involved in the organisation of the event free of any claim of the proprietor. Any participant, who has suffered an accident or damage, renounces by handing in the enrolment - (Online Registration or signed Registration or Inscription form and disclaimers), to any right on proceeding or resort over or against anyone involved in the organisation of the event, in particular towards the organizing companies:
Hai la miscare, Asociatia Clubul Sportiv, Str. Cetății, nr, 34, 550160 Sibiu, România.
- The organisers, to his commissaries and helpers
- The owner of the event, the event promoter, used estate as well as towards the carrier of build facilities and establishments along the track and his commissaries and helpers.
Crazy Bike Club Sibiu, Str. Moldoveanu, nr. 33, 550276 Sibiu, România.
SC Xventure SRL, Str. Alecu Russo, Nr.11, 550226 Sibiu, România.
Lito SLU, Edifici Prats, Ctra. Prat Sobirans Bloc B 2.1, AD-400 Arinsal, Andorra.
Event major sponsor - Red Bull Gmbh, Fuschl am See, Salzburg, Austria.
The Motorcycle Federations
Federația Română de Motociclism (F.R.M Romania), B-dul Basarabia nr. 37-39, Sector 2, București, România
Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme Europe (F.I.M Europe), Viale delle Arti 181 I-00054 Fiumicino, Italy
Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (F.I.M International), 11, Route de Suisse 1295 Mies Switzerland
Competitor Management - Romaniacs
Contact person: Cristina Badiu
0040 (0)731 270 887 - Phone calls accepted during daytime office hours 08:00-17:00 Eastern European time.
If you need help with The online Registration process or have questions about the event, contact
In order to permit the widest possible dissemination and promotion of the Red Bull Romaniacs, any and all persons taking part in the Red Bull Romaniacs for any reason (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Competitors) acknowledge and agree that their participation in the competition grants to the organisers and assignees the irrevocable right to reproduce and display, without any compensation whatsoever, their name, likeness, voice, biography and history, and more generally, their sports performance in connection with the Red Bull Romaniacs, as well as the trade name(s), trademark(s), brand(s) of their vehicle parts manufacturers, constructors and sponsors, in any and all forms, on any media (whether now existing or hereafter developed) and in any format, for all kinds of world-wide use, including advertising and/or commercial use without any restrictions whatsoever except for those mentioned hereinafter, and for the entire duration of the protection currently granted for such use by legal or statutory provisions, judicial and/or arbitral decisions of all countries, as well as international conventions (present and future), including eventual extensions that could be made to this duration.
Likewise, except for books, photograph books, comic strips, in any form of publication, video cassettes, CD-ROMs, DVD's or more generally all video recording or videodiscs, on any kind of device and in any format whatsoever, dealing with all or part of the Red Bull Romaniacs, posters, travel diaries, autograph books, maps, official programs of the Red Bull Romaniacs, the organisers will not exploit or allow the exploitation of the individual image of the Competitor in the context of marketing by-products known as merchandising.
Hai la miscare, Asociatia Clubul Sportiv, Str. Alecu Russo, Nr.11, 550226 Sibiu, România.
Crazy Bike Club Sibiu, Str. Moldoveanu, nr. 33, 550276 Sibiu, România.
SC Xventure SRL, Str. Alecu Russo, Nr.11, 550226 Sibiu, România.
Lito SLU, Edifici Prats, Ctra. Prat Sobirans Bloc B 2.1, AD-400 Arinsal, Andorra.
Competitor Management - Romaniacs
Contact person: Cristina Badiu
0040 (0)731 270 887 - Phone calls accepted during daytime office hours 08:00-17:00 Eastern European time.
If you need help with the 2025 online Registration process or have questions about the event, contact
Motorcycle Federations
Federația Română de Motociclism (F.R.M), B-dul Basarabia nr. 37-39, Sector 2, București, România
Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme Europe (F.I.M Europe), Viale delle Arti 181 I-00054 Fiumicino, Italy
Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (F.I.M), 11, Route de Suisse 1295 Mies Switzerland
Professional competitors - Gold class
Prolog :
First 500 euro; Second 300 euro; Third 200 euro
Off-road days 1, 2, 3, 4:
First 500 euro; Second 300 euro; Third 200 euro
First 2.000 euro; Second 1700 euro; Third 1300 euro
Forth 1100 euro; Fifth 900 euro; Sixth 800 euro;
Seventh 700 euro; Eighth 600 euro; Nineth 500 euro; Tenth place 400 euro
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