Results Protest

An agreeable 'Results Protest' can be made using this ONLINE form.
The event Headquarter results team will investigate and provide an answer as soon as possible.

It is very important that competitors view their results soon after they have arrived at the Offroad Finish as all results protests are 'time limited' to 60 minutes after a competitors result has been published.

A competitors ''results published time'' can be viewed on mobile smart phones, tablets, laptops, computers using the results page of a competitor.

Results protests CANNOT and are not accepted after the results become Official..

Note: Verbal protests, messages sent by whatsapp, messenger, facebook, email, or by any third party persons are NOT accepted. 
Results protests must begin by completing this online form.

This form to be filled in ONLY by competitors

Your Bib / Race number is required.
Your name: (competitors only) is required.
Competitors Mobile/Handy: is required.
E-mail: is required.
Which Offroad day?: is required.
What is the protest about?: is required
OFFICIAL results protest

A) Amateur competitors
If an agreeable Online result protest has been made and the resolution is not satisfactory to an Amateur competitor, then the competitor can on submission of a protest cash payment of 130 Euro accompanied with a written and signed 'Official Protest' request the "Federația Română de Motociclism" Jury to assemble and adjudicate on the protest.
The arbitrator is the Clerk of the course, the Race jury is formed with a representative of the event organisers and a representative of the Federation of Romanian Motorcycles. If the protest is upheld then the protest payment will be immediately returned.

B) F.I.M hard enduro world championship competitors
If an agreeable Online result protest has been made and the resolution is not satisfactory to a F.I.M hard enduro world championship competitor, then the competitor can on submission of a protest cash payment of 660 Euro accompanied with a written and signed 'Official Protest' request the F.I.M International Jury will assemble and adjudicate on the protest. If the protest is upheld then the protest payment will be immediately returned.

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