GPS /Good to know/ FAQ
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GPS team contact
Andrei Dragan Radulet andrei@draganradulet.ro
Making sure the GPS is recording
- Battery settings.
- Making a waypoint.
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GPS team contact
Andrei Dragan Radulet andrei@draganradulet.ro
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GPS team contact
Andrei Dragan Radulet andrei@draganradulet.ro
Which GPS devices are allowed - Romaniacs event regulations section 7. GPS | Navigation
Competitors GPS devices receives signals from satellites.
- To tell an accurate position a GPS device needs signals from at least 3 satellites. If the GPS device gets good signals from more than 3 satellites the competitors GPS device provides even more accurate positional information.
- The antenna of the GPS needs a direct view to the sky! The quality of the signal depends on many factors like weather or surroundings. When competitors are riding through a forest, or in a deep valley the signal will not be as accurate as it would be in an open field, bad weather like heavy rain clouds or fog can affect the quality of the signal the GPS receives.
GPS Track image - What’s that?
- A track image is a series of connected GPS points which form a virtual road.
- Track images can be up and downloaded from and into the GPS device memory.
- The track taken by competitors during the race are recorded and saved.
- Red Bull Romaniacs competitors navigate using a 'Custom map track' which is uploaded each evening onto competitors GPS devices.
When competitors are racing, the GPS device MUST record where they are driving, when competitors reach the finish the Romaniacs GPS team download and then view the competitors recorded track to check that they have stayed on their given race track.
Waypoints – Possible life-savers
- Waypoints are points with exact coordinates. At the Red Bull Romaniacs we use waypoints for fuel points, rescue points and even for media camera points.
- In case of accidents or emergencies the easiest way to tell exactly where an injured or lost competitor is when the competitor creates a waypoint then providing these coordinates by phone to the Red Bull Romaniacs HQ rescue team.
Medical Rescue 1 0040 731 270 884
Medical Rescue 2 0040 751 869 322
Motorcycle breakdown 0040 731 270 881- motorcycle not able to continue, competitor needs assistance
- How to create a waypoint ? Press and hold the MARK/ENTER key on most Garmin GPS devices creates a waypoint, this displays the exact position co-ordinates.
If track banners are missing or visibility is low
Competitors can use the GPS as a navigation tool to stay on track. In case they are confused about which track to take, or the route banners are missing, viewing the GPS display provides them with the direction to take.
Know the track in advance
A GPS device can help competitors drive more intuitively because it shows in advance which way the track goes, shows in advance a corner coming, or that they can maintain a higher speed because they can see a long straight line track on the GPS.
In case of problems, know where help is located
We use GPS devices as a safety aid (see Waypoints) - in case of problems, competitors can see where our rescue point vehicles are located beside the course.
If competitors go wrong way, you can still find the right track
If competitors miss a turn or leaves the racing track they will not see any more marks on the display. The safest way to find the track again is to return to the point where they left the course track.
Now that competitors know it works, they can practice how to create a WAYPOINT.
Rescue operations are possible! if we know competitors exact GPS position in the wilderness.
Competitors WILL be asked when they hand-in their GPS at registration to demonstrate how to make a Waypoint, how to read it and how to describe it over the phone to a member of the Red Bull Romaniacs rescue team.
GPS team contact
Andrei Dragan Radulet andrei@draganradulet.ro
GPS Navigation – How do Competitors use it?
GPS Navigation helps competitors know where they came from, where they are going and gives a direction line to follow how to get there. The Red Bull Romaniacs GPS Team upload each night the next days GPS track image onto competitors GPS device(s).
Before the offroad start, competitors need to turn the GPS on to get a GPS signal. You will then see the day's race track (a line) and a little man/arrow (that's YOU). In order to navigate using the GPS, all you need to do is to keep the little man/arrow on the line (the track).
The zoom level is important
The trick is to set a zoom level that fits your driving:
- a zoom level (120m) will tell a competitor their position on the track more exactly, but they will not see much of the track that follows.
- a zoom level (above 500m) won't tell a competitors position on the track as exactly, but they will be able to anticipate the track and see what is coming ahead.
If competitor want to ride fast - watch the markings
Competitors ride by looking for banners & marks on the track and checking their GPS to see if they are still on the right track. Trying to race by viewing only the GPS track will make their race time slower because too much time viewing the GPS screen, can lead to not seeing the banners & track marks and viewing what's ahead.
- You cannot find any tracks in your GPS memory. Probably your GPS has a custom map installed and you should go to the map screen and look if you see the racetrack.
- You cannot see the racetrack on the map.
- Check that the zoom level is not too high or too low.
- Set it at 200m and look for the track.
- Check also that you have a valid GPS signal (you must NOT see a question mark on your map). - The racetrack was there but it disappeared.
- Check that the memory card did not pop out from the vibration, some older devices have their map saved to the memory card. Newer models have it saved to the internal memory. - The map does not move any more. Maybe you touched the joystick on the device and the map is now in a “browse mode”. Usually a “mouse arrow” will appear on your screen. Click back or go back to the main menu and back to the map display. Protect the joystick so that it does not get clicked by mistake.
- Batteries do not last for long. Some devices have the battery type set to the wrong type: it should be set on “Alkaline”. Go to Setup->System->AA Battery Type and change it to “Alkaline”.
To find out which GPS devices are allowed and the Red Bull Romaniacs Rules and regulations for GPS please view the Regulations sections:-
- 7. GPS / Navigation
- 8. Results Valuation/Results pages/ Liaison
- 9. Event rules and penalties
New suitable GPS models are added each year, if a Garmin GPS is not in the list please send an email to Andrei Dragan Radulet andrei@draganradulet.ro to ask if we can accept this Garmin GPS.
Competitors hand-in their GPS at the Inscription at the Race HQ and then receive it back in the morning of the time trial qualification. If a competitors GPS has a built in battery you need to also give us the charger suitable for 220V with EU Plug. We will daily supply new AA/AAA batteries for those with disposable batteries.
We will delete ALL data from competitors handed-in GPS (including old recordings and maps). Be sure to make a backup before you give us your GPS.
A good GPS mounting is essential - be sure to buy one in advance as you cannot easily find one in Sibiu/Romania. Take care in mounting the GPS, reducing vibration or GPS device movement during racing can prevent the GPS from suffering from poor or irregular recordings which attract time penalties.
Learn how to activate the "Track recording/Track log/TrackBack" in the GPS before arriving in Sibiu. It is the competitors responsibility to make sure that their GPS records during the race, competitors will get large time penalties for not having a recording. Check the manual of your GPS so you know how to check this setting.
IMPORTANT: In order to be sure that you have the right racetrack, you should check it when you pick up your GPS in the morning that you have the right 'map name'. The GPS team can correct any errors fast on the spot. For any problems regarding GPS during the race, you can call the number +40 741 617924 (Andrei Dragan Radulet).
At Red Bull Romaniacs the GPS device is mainly used as a safety device and helps keeps competitors on the course track. Competitors navigate by following banners & markers on the track, BLUE is right way, YELLOW is wrong way. These banners & markings are usually well placed and visible but it can happen that the banners or markings get stolen, moved or damaged. This could cause competitors to get lost or to go on the wrong track, so competitors must check carefully they are following the ''right track'' by checking their GPS display, especially BEFORE and AFTER the race class separations markers.
Romaniacs racetracks – How are they named?
GPS devices have the racetrack uploaded as a “custom map” - this hides all other maps on the device and can not be deactivated easily by mistake. Just turn on the GPS and go to the map screen. The race track looks like a road.
Example: map name = 21day3B This is romaniacs event year 20'21', Offroad 'day 3', 'B'ronze Class,
Year, TTQ, G, S, B, I, A
Year, Day 1, G, S, B, I, A
Year, Day 2, G, S, B, I, A
Year, Day 3, G, S, B, I, A
Year, Day 4, G, S, B, I, A
Recording – Why does GPS need to be set to record?
When competing in Red Bull Romaniacs the GPS "must be'' set to record during racing.
It is the competitors responsibility to ensure it is set to record.
Recording a track enables the TrackBack® function, that assists competitors to return to the track if they have got lost.
Competitors MUST carry tools needed to mount or dismount their GPS
After competitors dismount their GPS and hand it/them in at the 'Offroad finish' our Red Bull Romaniacs GPS team download and check their recorded track.
If competitors due to mechanical, injuries or any other reason abandon the race day they must hand-in their GPS at either the "GPS flag" at the Offroad finish if passing it, or at the ''GPS FLAG'' at the ''Competitor paddock checkpoint'' where the Red Bull Romaniacs GPS team will download then check the recorded track.
Note:- a competitors failure to provide a complete recorded track will attract large time penalties!
Competitors must check their race results as soon as possible ONLINE in the results pages
For any problems regarding GPS devices before, during, or immediately after the race. You have broken your GPS?, Your GPS is failing, please call Andrei Dragan Radulet +40 741 617924 NOTE:- This service is not available during event between the hours of 20:00-05:00
Red Bull Romaniacs website
Race Program - What is happening, when?, where? at what time time? The information is updated PRE-event and DURING the event. Keep visiting this link during the event.
For competitors AND Information menus are updated throughout the year, specific details are added BEFORE the event and DURING the event.
Archives - Videos / Photos / Results from each year of Red Bull Romaniacs.
Important event detail emails are sent throughout the year to all registered competitors.
If someone else has 'event registered' for a competitor, that competitor will NOT get important email updates during the year nor important track and communication information during the event, therefore sent an email to Cristina Badiu Competitor Management cristinab@xventure.net to request changing the email address belonging to the competitors.
NOTE:- Some competitors are finding missing emails in their email providers 'Spam', 'Bin', or 'Junk' folders, click on the Red Bull Romaniacs emails and move them to your inbox. Note:- If you are registered and paid competitor and believe that you are not receiving emails please contact Cristina Badiu cristinab@xventure.net
If you wish to also receive Event news reports from our Media team - complete this application form
Failure to understand the event rules will ruin your chances of success and an event FINISHERS medal.
Read these information pages:-
- Romaniacs Prolog regulations
- Romaniacs event regulations
It is not allowed for service crews, families to ride motorcycles on any part of the racetrack - there will be spot checks by local police and violations will be fined.
Any competitors caught on race tracks marked with blue tape before the event will be disqualified. We use wildlife cameras and track managers to monitor the use of tracks. Red Bull Romaniacs competitors will not be allowed to enter the race (entry fee will NOT be refunded).
NO free riding in the Sibiu area, you would eventually end up on private or restricted access property: This seriously complicates the track approval process for us.
Some Race servicing/motorcycle rental providers offer additional ''setup tours'' away from Red Bull Romaniacs race track areas so that motorcycles can be setup and some practice can be done safely pre-event.
A setup practice track near Sibiu is available for all competitors July 19 & 20 & 21 More information and the location will be provided closer to the event.
We advice all competitors to carry during the event:-
- a photocopy of the registration document and insurance of the motorcycle competitors are driving during the event.
- a photocopy of your personal driving licence.
It is mandatory that the registration number of the motorcycle can be viewed anytime during the event.
Advisory: Add ''2 small stickers'' with registration plate number onto rear mudguard of motorcycle being used
It is the competitors responsibility to keep the motorcycle being used in a 'road legal condition' and to carry vehicle indentification papers and insurance documents with them.
If a competitor is stopped by Police or event officials for NOT showing vehicle registration number or document being used, any race time lost will not be returned.
- Don't risk losing your driving licence, Romania has a zero percent drink limit, taxi's are convenient and not expensive in Sibiu.
- Like most cities in Europe and worldwide Sibiu have a road and traffic light network of police observation cameras:
Do not race from traffic lights, or pass traffic lights when at RED !.
Drive normal, behave normal, keep the racing and enthusiastic driving for the hard enduro Red Bull Romaniacs tracks !
Competitors event race number and registration number is on the motorcycle, SO competitors can easily be indentified.
- Download a TAXI apps.
- Order a Taxi online,
- They then come and pick you up at your location.
CleverTaxi app
TAXI 924 Client request by phone 0040 269 924
Taxi 942 Sibiu request by phone 0040 269 942
Taxi 953 Client request by phone 0040 269 953
Yes, assuming that competitors can provide service for their own motorcycle in the evening.
Competitors are provided with drinking water and fuel along the course - Fuel for 4 strokes & 2 stroke oil injection and Fuel with 2 stroke Liqui Moly oil added.
There is the option to purchase ''Race service packages and Rental motorcycles'' to save competitors working after exhausting long days in the saddle. Believe us! Competitors need all the minutes of sleep they can get.
Competitors should feel comfortable on the single trails and train their bodies to endure the In city Prolog and four tough Offroad days of competition. The competiors do not have to be factory riders in the Gold race class or World champions.
Every competitor in every race class, factory competitors or Amatuers need to have good fitness endurance, be a safe driver, have good Offroad riding technique.
More information for competitors in Picking the right race class
A Roadbook is not required.
A trip master can provide an advantage because it helps determine competitors geographical placement and their mileage, so computing competitor speed and establishing a daily strategy will become easier.
Considering that parts of the track can take place where, in unfavourable conditions, visibility is extremely reduced, having a GPS device fitted is mandatory.
The organisers will ensure the uploading of the competition tracks onto competitors GPS device(s).
Read the Romaniacs event Regulations sections 7, 8 and 9.for detailed information regarding the use of GPS / Navigation.
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