2023: Mission race Videolog

Red Bull Romaniacs hard enduro rallye
July 25-29. 2023   The Impossible   Edition 20

Team MISSION RACE -Race Against Cancer Enduro from Germany donated one third of their raised funds to our charity Enduro for Romania.
#missionrace #hardenduro #fuckcancer #enduro #redbullromaniacs 

Für die Mission RACE-Crew wurde es ernst: Die 20. Ausgabe der Red Bull Romaniacs steht an. Wie haben "One legged Racer" Marcel Michitsch #396, Thorsten Kirchhoff #395 (Thorsten "Korken" Kirchhoff), Sebastian Wolter #401(Busty Wolter) und Martin Schoppe #766 die härteste hard enduro rallye der Welt mit fünf Tagen Wettkampf, angefangen beim Prolog mitten in Sibiu über heftiges Unwetter bis hin zum finalen Steilhang am letzten Offroad Day durchgestanden?

How did these 2023 Media competitors and "One legged Racer" Marcel Michitsch #396, Thorsten Kirchhoff #395 (Thorsten "Korken" Kirchhoff), Sebastian Wolter #401(Busty Wolter} and Martin Schoppe #766 get through the toughest hard enduro rallye in the world with five days of competition, starting with the Prolog in the middle of Sibiu through violent storms to the final hill climbs arena on the last Offroad Day?

Note: On Board camera filming by competitors during the ''Offroad event days'' is NOT permitted without written and agreed permissions of the Romaniacs media team. .The Event Opening Ceremony the Romaniacs In-city Prolog and the Finals hillclimb arenacan be filmed with Onboard cameras.

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