More top Gold & interesting quotes in finish

Trystan Hart #4, Teodor Kabakchiev #2, Wade Young #13, Billy Bolt #14, Michael Walkner #5 and Graham Jarvis #1 all reached the finish line. This is what they had to say:

Wade Young: ”I never saw so much rain like today. I struggled with the grip”
Michael Walkner: ”I  never get so scared in my life. The thunderstorm after the Service Point was crazy!”

Teodor Kabakchiev came 3rd in the finish. He made a navigation mistake due to the storm and he couldn't see the track. 
Billy Bolt was 5th in the finish and he almost ran out of fuel. 
Graham Jarvis is happy he made it to the finish. He is the only one actually smiling until now.

Much respect for these guys for making The Impossible possible!

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