Top Cross Racing-Motorcycle service
Top Cross TCS Racing Team
Red Bull Romaniacs service point by Top Cross TCS and RAMS Motorsport Garage.
Our logistic includes: Racing truck fully equipped with tools, original or aftermarket parts, oils, so on;
A 108 sqm tent for a sheltered garage;
Mobile garage van and tent that will travel to meet competitors at checkpoints;
Technical assistance during the race and at check points;
Healthy meals and snacks, cooked by our personal chef or protein bars and gels;
Qualified mechanics for which motorcycles are a way of life, not just a job;
Assistance and moral support for competitor's at each check point: filling the camel bag with water, providing snacks, cleaning the competitor’s goggles.
All inquiries regarding further details, pricing and availability should go to Sorina Sandu, our team manager, either by phone at +40726 975 384 or by e-mail Sorina Sandu
NOTICE: Due to logistics, the offer is limited to a maximum of 12 competitors. So please contact Sorina as early as possible, in order to book your spot. Reservations are made only after a deposit has been made into our account.
Punct service pentru pilotii si motocicletele inscrise la Red Bull Romaniacs, oferit de Top Cross TCS si RAMS Motorsport. Ce oferim?
service mobil pe toata durata competitiei, atat in paddock, cat si la check point-uri;mancare sanatoasa, pentru sportivi, fie preparata de bucatarul nostru, fie sub forma de batoane si geluri proteice;piese de schimb originale sau aftermarket de calitate;
mecanici calificati, pentru care lucrul la o motocicleta nu este doar un job, ci un mod de viata; asistenta si suport moral pentru pilotii care ne aleg.
Mult succes tuturor echipelor si pilotilor inscrisi!
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