Picking the right class
Having decided to register to compete in Red Bull Romaniacs ''The world's toughest hard enduro rallye'', picking the right racing class is probably the most critical decision that you will make.
Competitors can select from 9 race classes:-
7 Internal combustion engine motorcycle race classes
Gold, Atom, Iron, Bronze, Silver.
"Adventure Ultimate or Adventure Lite multi-cylinder"
2 Electric eMoto machine race classes 'eMoto Expert' or 'eMoto hobby'
You choose according to your physical fitness, riding technique ability and racing experience. This will make the difference between "epic fail" and becoming a Red Bull Romaniacs hard enduro rallye "Finisher".
Which racing class will fit you best? advice from Martin Freinademetz, event founder & organiser
Videos - [Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Atom] [Adventure Ultimate or Adventure Lite Multi cylinder] [Electric eMoto Hobby or eMoto Expert]
Picking the wrong race class can either mean that you have overestimated your skill level and are registering yourself into a class that is too difficult – which will inevitably bring you to sections, that you consider "impossible to ride". You may master the first few of these sections by dragging your bike up or throwing it down the hill, but either your race machinery or yourself will give up, utterly frustrated after realising that these sections just keep coming, one after the other! OR
You are a talented and skilled Competitor and you have registered into a racing class that is below your level. You might end up on the podium, but you will always question yourself what it would have been like if you had competed in your riding skill level. There’s also the situation of returning home showing off your trophy to your friends and family, their first question will naturally be: "Which class did you compete in?" And they will know.
The best way to find out which racing class to select, is to talk to former Red Bull Romaniacs competitors who might also know your riding skill level and ask them for advice on which class to choose. Alternatively, you could compare your results in national competitions with competitors that have finished the Red Bull Romaniacs. Make sure you pick a gnarly or rainy race for comparison and not a competition in which high speed on flat terrain or motocross tests define your ranking position.
To help you select the right class and give you a race experience that will provide a life time memory, we have prepared a few recommendations.
All internal combustion engine(ICE) race classes generally cover between 70-150 kilometres, electric eMoto between 35-60 Kilometres of terrain per day and include a normal mandatory break of 20-30 minutes for ICE engines at the service point, eMoto class will stay longer for battery charging/ changing batteries.
The estimated riding time is similar for all classes and averages at around 4-10 hours.
In order to become a finisher, you should naturally bring sufficient technical skills to maintain your vehicle throughout the race; ensure that it is ready and well prepared for an extreme hard enduro rallye event and you should have been practising and feel confident using your GPS.
2025 Event Registration form
Here are our recommendations for each race class:

- Video - What means Gold class
- Gold means "IMPOSSIBLE to ride" (unless you are a god of Extreme Enduro), worldwide there are only about 50 riders who are able to finish the Gold class.
- You should be a top ranked rider in the one of the world’s recognised Extreme Enduro events or have a solid Trials background. Your physical fitness, mental stability and ability to deal with pain should be world class. The sections we will present to you will be impossible to ride for normal “humans”. We will present you with extreme sections with steps, insane up and downhills
- You should be able to maintain a fast riding style even in the most extreme sections.

- Video - What means Silver Class
- In the Silver class there are some future Gold class candidates who are getting ready for the “Real Thing” and some former Gold class riders - who are looking for a more realistic chance to finish and have some fun.
- The majority of silver class competitors are some of the best riders in their home countries, used to semi-professional racing and all kinds of extremes. The Silver class trails are technically almost as difficult as the ones for the Gold class - but with less intensity and duration.
- You should bring Extreme Enduro experiences, have scored well in your national Extreme Races. Some Trial techniques would be useful. Your physical fitness, mental stability and ability to deal with pain should be excellent.
- You should be able to maintain a fluent riding style even in the most extreme sections.

- Video - What means Bronze class
- Bronze is our “mainstream” and most popular class - where relatively good competitors are starting to become forged into hard enduro elite material.
- For better competitors, the Bronze class is manageable and fast - but still challenging. For the less experienced candidates - especially those coming from “flatland” enduro habitats, this is where you meet Red Bull Romaniacs “pain”, “tragedy” and “drama”! while riding.
- For the Bronze class, solid enduro riding and technical skills are needed.
- A good enduro racing experience and with decent results is recommended.
- You should have trained hard to achieve peak physical fitness, mental stability, ability to deal with pain and endurance.
- You should be able to quickly recover a fluent riding style after dragging your bike though sections that you have never considered riding before.

- Video - What means Iron class
- Iron means a tough 4 days endurance race without the ''toughest sections". But even the Iron class has now become quite a serious Red Bull Romaniacs racing class - which not everyone can finish: you have to come well prepared.
- The Iron class is for those who had difficulties finishing the Bronze class in a previous Red Bull Romaniacs and those who would like to enjoy the race without so much competitive pressure.
- You still want some hard enduro challenges on all of the Off-road days? Then this is a perfect alternative: It is still a challenge, with shorter tracks and less difficult sections. You will be challenged by all kinds of single trails in different conditions including slippery roots and rocks, regular obstacles like trees, small steps, muddy trails, uphills and downhills.
- Your physical fitness should be good but there is no need to go to the gym every day to prepare. You should have competed in quite a few local competitions and enduro weekends on your bike in this season.

- Video - What means Atom class
- The Atom class is our entry level class. Atom is for skilled enduro competitors who are looking for their first taste of hard enduro rallye, a chance to enjoy the unique Romanian terrain and have the opportunity to ride side by side with their idols.
- You had difficulties finishing the Iron class in a previous Romaniacs?
- You are new to hard enduro and feel intimidated by the steep terrain?
- You are not looking to challenge yourself over the top - but still want to enjoy the Red Bull Romaniacs flair and the world’s most beautiful trails? Or you plan to accompany a better riding family member or friend? Then ATOM is the class for you! There’s no "bike throwing" or "ghost riding”, no extreme “Trials style sections'', no "walking the motorbike down steep hills”. But there is loads of fun, flowy trails and a perfect first taste of the Red Bull Romaniacs!
- We will send you onto all kinds of single trails in different conditions, including slippery roots and rocks, regular obstacles like trees, small steps, muddy tracks and hills.
- Being super fit is not required. Basic off-road riding technique and ability to keep your bike functional are sufficient to get you through the four Offroad days.

Adventure rallye class
- Video - What means Adventure class
- View Adventure rallye class for more information

- Video - What means eMoto class
- eMoto Expert electric race class is for skilled competitors who have raced in either hard enduro, trials, motocross, enduro, mountain bike downhill racing or other disciplines of racing. Come and enjoy the unique Romanian terrain and race tracks.
- eMoto Hobby electric race class is for competitors who are looking for their first taste of hard enduro rallye, a chance to enjoy the unique Romanian terrain. You are not looking to challenge yourself over the top - but still want to enjoy the Red Bull Romaniacs flair and the world’s most beautiful trails.
- We will send you onto all kinds of single trails in different conditions, including slippery roots and rocks, regular obstacles like trees, small steps, muddy tracks and hills.
- Being super fit is not required, but helps ! Basic off-road riding technique and the ability to keep your electric eMoto functional is sufficient to get you through each of the four offroad days.
Advisory: The 2025 cost of competing in the eMoto race classes will be less as the overall length of the race tracks and the overall race time will be lower than the other event race classes.
If there are question about the eMoto electric class contact Competitor Management Cristina Badiu cristinab@xventure.net
The four Offroad race days in the Romanian wilderness push Red Bull Romaniacs competitors beyond and outside normal comfort zones, it should not be taken for granted that every competitor will be a finisher.
Picking the right class will definitely help you to have a great experience and grow during the process.
An event FINISHER at the Red Bull Romaniacs is something very special - that right to be photographed at the Offroad Day 4 ''Finishers Podium'' and that honor - well, it has to be earned!
So get prepared, to meet mental and physical challenges for 4 consecutive Off-road race days, without any mercy!
2025 Event Registration form
See you in Sibu.
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