2025 Spectators planning guide

Red Bull Romaniacs hard enduro rallye    Edition 22  July 22-26. 2025

July 21. 2025 Monday - Event opening ceremony

July 22. 2025 Tuesday - The In city Prollog Morning Prolog Qualification - Afternoon Prolog Finals

Offroad days Spectator point detailed information will be available from July 15. 2025 Monday at 14:00

July 23. 2025 Wednesday - Offroad day 1  |  23 Miercuri: Offroad Ziua 1

July 24. 2025 Thursday - Offroad day 2      |  24 Joi: Offroad Ziua 2

July 25. 2025 Friday - Offroad day 3           |  25 Vineri: Offroad Ziua 3

July 26. 2025 Saturday - Offroad day 4       |  26 Sâmbătă: Offroad Ziua 4
The spectacular Offroad day 4 FINISH takes places in Sibiu, the podium WINNERS ceremony happens around mid-day
July 26 Saturday: Sibiu Final hill climbs arena  |  26 Sâmbătă: Sibiu Final hill climbs arena

Saturday evening will be dominated by the legendary [EN] Romaniacs After party | [RO] Romaniacs After party

If you cannot come to Sibiu and spectate at Red Bull Romaniacs then read How to watch online 

We hope to see you in Sibiu
Come and join the ever growing and friendly 'Romaniacs worldwide hard enduro rallye, friends, supporters and family', but If you can't come to Sibiu,  Participate with us Online.

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